... of the country's (maybe world's) top restaurants, lunch carts, and everywhere in between.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Providence Experience 04/17/08

To every foodie, there is an transcendental moment in their life, when they first see and taste the best food in the world. For me, that moment is Providence.

On my first trip to providence there are 3 dishes which shocked my world:
Japanese Kanpachi with Dashi Gelee--The kanpachi shashimi was extremly fresh and tasted clean, to serve with any liquidy sauce would taminate the fish. Therefore, the fish was served with a dashi gelee.

Santa Barbara Sea Urchin Sabayon, and mango ice cream with lime soda.

Greyhound, Gin & Tonic gelee & Mojito - These are basically jello shots with a rubbery ballon like skin while the inside is liquidy bursting with flavors.

From left to right: House-cured Tasmanian Sea Trout, Goat Cheese Hearts of Palm, and Fennel Saffron Shooter

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About Me 关于作者

Well, It's should be more of a "About Us". Afterall, This blog is a combined effort of a group of foodie's attempt at partially capturing their experiences of exploring the dining cultures of various culture and cuisine. Our Team are as follows:

Trading Dweeb - A self-proclaimed bastard-ish trader who's interest in food often outshine work.
势利小人 - 职业股票操作者,也就是广东人口里的“扑街”。对食物的热情往往比工作要炽热。

Dr.T - A student of food.

TechMoGeek – An explorer of culinary delights who’s love for food is the sole motivation to be employed.
TechMoGeek -一個只愛美食,不愛江山的老饕